Because I brushed this new doll with coffee after she had already been tea dyed, she is darker than Shellie Ann.
My next doll will be hand drawn. I want her taller and maybe a rounder head. She is going to smell Vanilla yummy too! Vanilla is my favorite scent in almost everything. Candles, Bath and Body Works hand soap and lotion (Vanilla Sugar), body spray, and now dollies! I couldnt stop smelling her head as I was making her LOL
My Fritzy has found himself a new bed. He has gone in there for the last 2 days when he takes a nap. This is right next to my sewing table, and occasionally I will put some fabric in there while I work on something else. Fritz thought this made a GREAT bed and happily plopped himself down and slept.
Fritz is one of our boys that came from a litter in our cattery. We've had wonderful kittens who have all found wonderful homes, and one of our kittens has even earned awards for best kitten and best ragamuffin all around in shows. We have decided to close down our cattery for a few years so we can focus on buying a house when we move in May, and our children can do their activities without breaking the bank. Breeding is expensive! After 4 years and 4 litters, we need a break to focus on the family.
Fritz was my favorite from the beginning. He was the biggest and heaviest. He was going to be our future stud to breed with our other queen. Since we recently decided to close down our cattery, we fixed Fritz and he is now our loving pet. I just feel that because he was raised by us from birth (well, mommy kitty had some part in that too! :o) that he has much more of a connection with everyone in our family. He will let the girls pick him up in any position and carry him around. He will lay in bed at night with the girls for about 15 minutes before he heads back into the living room, and he and I play "peek a boo". Yes, laugh LOL but it's the cutest thing!!
He is very curious and is not afraid when he is taken to the vets. I will let him out of his carrier and hold him and he will watch the other people around us and watch the other cats and dogs with interest. He's our big boy, so be prepared that you may see a lot of his pictures in my posts. He likes hanging around me and when there's an opportunity, I grab the camera!!
Hey Chelle,
Your second doll is beautiful. You clever girl. I followed the link on your last post and downloaded the free pattern of one of the raggedy dolls. It is on my to do list after I finish the boy cot quilt. I enjoy your blog and have visited your other blog and enjoyed that too. May I add you to my 'favourite blogs' list please.
Chelle, I think your dolls are just adorable! My 7 year old daughter loves them too - they have been learning about Raggedy Anne and Andy in art class at school so she is pretty impressed with yours lol! I love the bunnies as well. Too cute!
Oh that is just too cute. I want one!!! Aren't cats the most independent creatures around? I think they are so much more interesting than dogs, but can be real pests too. I have a deaf cat (Felicia) that hangs with me and if I don't pay her enough attention, she starts knocking things off the table and just glares at me with that "what are you looking at" attitude. Her favorite spot to sit is on top of my sewing machine when I am sewing - inspecting my work.
Oh my gosh these are so cute,,,and you did a wonderful job,,I like both of them,,,great job...
I love your raggedy's, I LVOE your bunnies, I love your star quilt! and your cat is wonderful! I have the black version living at my house!
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