Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Quilting Area

Im here in CO, living with a roommate for now until I find a job out here. I have a bedroom and part of the downstairs area for my quilting setup. I forgot to take pictures of the swap mug rug and poochie bag I made for my swap partners before boxing them up and mailing them out >.< I thought they turned out really cute and I loved them =D

Here is my new quilting area, small but it works ~

I started some squares for my friends baby quilt Im making her. She's due in November with her 2nd baby girl. I decided to do the disappearing 9-patch quilt pattern, but instead of joining the 4 squares together, Im just using each square seperate and then adding borders around each square, and then putting in strips between those. Hoping it turns out well, just need to figure out what kind of fabric to use for the borders and strips!

Also the crochet hook holder I did with the purple fabric. I have yet to sew on the button. Its the little details that take me longest to do!

For now Im working on getting my sewing area set up how I want it so I can begin sewing again. I need to either borrow my landlords (roommate) ironing board and iron or I'll have to go buy one myself before I do any more sewing.